Quick-Tips for The Art of Conversation

  • Do not dominate a conversation or make it all about you. A monologue is not conversation.

  • Show interest and curiosity in others.

  • Strive for a balance of give and take.

  • Be an active listener by maintaining good eye contact and asking pertinent questions.

  • Train yourself to relax by using visualization, meditation, or other relaxation methods. Being relaxed is vital for good conversation.

  • Do not interrupt and cut in with your own ideas before the other person is finished speaking.

  • Maintain an open mind; everyone has a right to express themselves even if you don't agree with what they are saying.

  • Although this is cliché, try to avoid topics such as sex, religion and politics. You would be surprised at how many people get trapped by them and end up in verbal battle, not conversation.

  • Be prepared by staying on top of the latest news, developments and world events.

  • Be approachable by staying relaxed, smiling and maintaining a friendly attitude.