Buyer Classifications

We classify all buyers by motivation. We must first determine the motivation or “readiness” to buy. 

Since all buyers don’t have the same needs, we categorize our buyers by motivation as follows:

“A” Buyer

Our highest priority buyer. These are people who must to buy a home now. They have either sold their existing home, transferred into town or their lease has expired. They want to purchase ASAP an they show qualities of a buyer that is ready to buy such as: Actively making offers, having a pre-approval or proof of funds ready, loyal to you as their agent. These are the buyers you want to be spending you time with showing properties actively. 

“B” Buyer

Our second highest priority buyer. These people are ready to buy, but they have a home to sell first, have a lease to fulfill or are in the stages of getting pre-approved. They may need your guidance on the next steps they should take and for you to connect them with a lender. They may need an education on why they should put their house on the market before looking for homes, especially in the case where they need the money from the sale to purchase. These are the buyers that may be ready in a few weeks or months from now. Set a time to check in with them and see how things are moving along.

“C” Buyer

Our third highest priority buyer. These people may buy a home when the right one comes along, and they usually have low motivation to buy immediately. These are the ”not in a rush” buyers. It doesn’t mean they will never be ready, but they are just not motivated now. You can educate and keep in touch every so often but you shouldn’t waste you time running around on appointments every weekend with unmotivated buyers.

If they are a “B” or “C” buyer, it doesn’t mean they are less important. Their needs are paramount. It only means their needs aren’t as urgent as an “A” Buyer. 

Remember someone could quickly become an “A” buyer and become top priority! Motivation changes often. Even an “A” buyer could become a “B” or “C” buyer. 

Should their motivation change at any time, adjust your motivation to match theirs.