How to Be an Effective Appointment Setter

by Faizah Imani

1. Perfect the script you are using to pitch your services to leads. The script should have a branded introduction, identifying who you are or the company you represent. The script should sound natural and unrehearsed. If your pitch is bad, your lead will probably disconnect the call before you ask to schedule an appointment.

2. Sound excited about the service you are offering. If you are exciting to listen to, your lead may not be as quick to hang up the telephone. It is easy to speak fast when you are nervous and trying to get through your script. Focus on speaking slowly and clearly.

3. Listen to your lead instead of focusing on completing your script. By listening, you can pick up on cues the customer is sending out indicating that he needs your services. Once the lead throws out a cue, don't continue the scripted pitch. Instead, ask to set an appointment to further discuss his needs. If you continue the pitch, you may talk yourself out of an appointment.

4. Learn how to handle objections. The best way to handle an objection is to be prepared for it. Rehearse rebuttals for every possible objection the lead can give you. When a lead objects to your appointment, know which rebuttal to pull from your arsenal. For example, your lead's objection is "I don't have time to talk to you," you can respond, "I know your time is valuable. That is exactly why I would like to schedule an appointment to further discuss your needs at a time that is more convenient for you."

5. Request the name of the best person to call or to visit to further discuss the benefits your company offers. Also get the person's phone number and ask when it's best to call. Provide your lead with specific dates to prevent booking an appointment too far into the future or not at all. By scheduling the appointment as close to your conversation as possible, the conversation is still fresh on his mind. Finally, ask for an email address so you can send a confirmation.

6. Send a confirmation email message reminding the lead of his appointment. Briefly recapitulate what the appointment is about. Remind him of the conversation he had with you and the date of the conversation.

7. If your lead declines an appointment, politely ask their reason for declining. Having this information is invaluable. When you know why leads are declining, it can help you refine your approach.